
Hi, welcome to my blog(still feel somehow saying that). Enjoy

Saturday, March 17, 2007


why do bloggers put (loud)music on their blog that plays automatically. my speakers are always on and I'm usually bloNGtrotting at night....

I keep losing blogs i want to read....

why do they make those word verification thingy hard to read, abi na wetin sef

i still don't know how to make a blog roll,have to save everything on favorites

Whats with online application forms? Why are employers reluctant to accept CV and letters? it took me over 3months to make a bloody CV!!

This weather sef! is it summer is it winter. i tire o, i wanna see some nice legs/booty hmmm souf London hmmm

I need a placement!



  • At 2:23 pm, Blogger יש (Yosh) said…

    Hahahaha, we all have our grrs! :)

    And thanks for stopping by! :) And u shouldn't miss those stuff often o! U live in Lagos extension, so I don't see how u not fit meet Naija pesin wey u fit stop over im crib for some choppings, ehn! :D

    Enjoy your weekend, man!

  • At 3:30 pm, Blogger SOLOMONSYDELLE said…

    "Whats with online application forms? Why are employers reluctant to accept CV and letters? it took me over 3months to make a bloody CV!!"

    LOL! Good luck with the rest of your grrrs

  • At 9:53 pm, Blogger naijabelle said…

    lol! i have my spealers off all the time so i aint got the whole music blastinf off scenario.Hmmm! i wonder for this weather too oh, i heard its going to be cold next week after having a jacketless week :( Are u coming out wif us on april 1st cuz u are invited. Check my blog for more details.

  • At 11:47 pm, Blogger Waffarian said…

    heheheheheh You should hear the music on naija wedding websites! hahahahahahh

  • At 12:00 pm, Blogger Unknown said…

    uh oh, this is a grrrr day.

    i completely agree with music on blogs, can put someone in trouble at work.

    also, online forms right? esp when they ask you competency based questions. fucking annoying!

    goodluck with the job hunt m8


  • At 11:44 am, Blogger Naijadude said…

    I feel you on that music thingy and the thing annoys me, but ooh well goodluck with that. Thanks for the birthday message eh!, and goodluck with the job search ooh,... have a great day

  • At 10:32 pm, Blogger Jennifer A. said…

    I was just abt to say exactly what Yosh said...

    we all have our "GRRRR"'s ok! Loll..

  • At 7:49 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    GRRRRRRR why do i keep reading your blogs? grrrrrrrrrrrr why are you such a good writer? grrrrrrrr why are you such a nice girl? grrrrrrrrrrrr thanks for stopping by my blog.... have a nice day

  • At 11:54 am, Blogger Idemili said…

    I thought Dami was male? Anyway if you are female it makes a lot more sense. Men don't really blog about fat days/weight problems.

  • At 11:56 am, Blogger Idemili said…

    I don't know what your own blog thingy is like but adding your fav blogs is quite easy.

    Ask Waffarian. She has has a similar template.

  • At 6:44 am, Blogger The_Hustleman AKA James W. Dennis said…

    Peace Dami! thanks for coming by and checking out my blog. I've been reading through some of your posts and I'm feeling your sense of humor especially on this one. And very true, that blogger word verification is a pain lol. Keep them coming, I'll be coming through as much as I can.

  • At 4:01 pm, Blogger Unknown said…

    haba... update now...

  • At 8:07 pm, Blogger luminousnubian said…

    hey thanks for stopping by my blog. i shall be stopping by yours as well. xxx

  • At 10:42 am, Blogger SOLOMONSYDELLE said…

    Busy, eh?! Okay, will chcek back another day for an update.

  • At 3:40 am, Blogger Dami said…

    thanks for stopping by people

    dami = male o!!!
    me good writer? hehehe yea right!

    idemli im not fat im just not fit enough

  • At 4:31 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    lol... i hate comment verification and loud music on blogs although i can make exceptions when the music is sung by sunny ade or lagbaja

  • At 6:30 am, Blogger Unknown said…

    Ha ha this is so funny. I didn't know people did online applications these days. Good idea. Cut and paste from your CV? Blog role? You know, I'm not even sure I know what that is...

  • At 7:32 am, Blogger bighead said…

    Thanks for stopping by. I don't know how you wanted to send the CVs and letters but I hear employers don't like them sent as attachments cos of viruses


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