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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Grinch.....

The Grinch who stole the 'U' in my summer (last post)

So short lecturer who kept postponing the second part of our final test didn't show up and now the results came in- coursework good; exams no show no mark!! I cant believe people in authority(school board) sometimes you actually think they'll use their brains to erm do something- like organise the test themselves all they have to do is get the question papers from the sex tourist aka 'sick'lecturer or give everyone some assignment to do to make it up. now i have to do this towards the end of summer before i can go to my final year Grrrrrrrr.

I just got an email with our final year project options; May God see us through!

Went to a friend's wedding in Manchester saturday was looking dapper-as usual in my suit, went to my school friend's graduation in Newcastle on monday. Im getting nervous now,i've got my eyes on two graduate schemes at the moment application starts october. fingers crossed!

Nigeria investments
price movements
consult pros before you invest
good luck

ps: Dami=Male and still a Gunner ;)

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